There is no Greater calling than to Raise up the next Generation of worshippers and followers of Christ. Deuteronomy 6:7 says, “You shall teach them Diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.” (NKJV) Our desire at Warrior Notes is to equip and empower you, the parent, in this esteemed endeavor. Therefore, Warrior Notes is pleased to offer our comprehensive kindergarten homeschool curriculum.
- Old Testament Bible- Learning the stories of the Bible is an important part of every child's learning experience. As each child grows in the Word of God, they will draw closer to their heavenly Father. Their love and compassion for others will increase as they spend time learning the Word of God and deepening their relationship with the heavenly Father. Every student must learn about Math, English, Science, and Social Studies, but we believe that learning the stories of the Bible is the most important subject that each child should learn because it deepens their relationship with their heavenly Father. In this Bible curriculum: >> Every week has a new Bible verse, and the students are encouraged to memorize the verse of the week. Learning to memorize scriptures is a powerful way for young children to learn the Bible. Students will fill in the blank with the correct word or words missing from the weekly scripture verse. >> Students will also be asked to learn at least one important thing from the week’s lessons and tell you about it, write it down, and/or draw a picture about it for the weekly assessment. >> Each lesson has an opening prayer, the Bible memory verse, What do you already know? (Where the student writes or tells what they already know about the topic. Examples will be given for the first two weeks. Students are encouraged to start to come up with their own answers by the third week.) What do you want to know, The Bible lesson and Something new that I learned today was. Students can write, draw, or say what they learned to their parent or guardian, but they are encouraged to draw a picture and explain to you what they have drawn. In this Old Testament book, students will learn about: 'What is the Bible?, Creation, Adam and Eve, Noah and many more Old Testament stories!