There is no greater calling than to raise up the next generation of worshipers and followers of Christ.
Deuteronomy 6:7 says, "You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up." (NKJV)
Our desire at Warrior Notes is to equip and empower you, the parent, in this esteemed endeavor. Warrior Notes is pleased to offer our comprehensive Fourth Grade homeschool curriculum, including Math, Reading and Literature, Grammar, Vocabulary, and Writing, Bible, Science, Aviation Science, History and Art.
“And if I were to have the gift of prophecy with a profound understanding of God’s hidden secrets, and if I possessed unending supernatural knowledge, and if I had the greatest gift of faith that could move mountains, but have never learned to love, then I am nothing.” 1 Corinthians 13:2 (TPT)
Following Items:
Math Book 1: Starts with a review of the lessons learned in 3rd grade Math. Each day's concept is presented in an easy-to-follow format with practice problems to reinforce the lesson. Each unit is introduced with helpful tips for the parent on how to enhance learning.
Includes: Addition with Carrying, Roman Numerals, Subtraction with Borrowing, Fractions and Decimals, Multiplication and Factors, Place Value, Division and Remainders, and Word Problems
Math Book 2: This book is designed for the student who has already completed Book 1 of 4th grade Math. Each day's concept is presented in an easy-to-follow format with practice problems to reinforce the lesson. Each unit is introduced with helpful tips for the parent on how to enhance learning.
Includes: Addition and Subtraction, Graphs and Charts, Multiplication and Division, Introduction to Pre-Algebra, Money, Time, and Measurement, Introduction to Geometry, Fractions and Decimals, and Word Problems
ELA : Reading and Literature: This comprehensive 4th grade reading and literature curriculum, with a list of suggested reading topics, offers an opportunity to read and interpret stories and works of literature through a Biblical worldview, including the study of: parables, proverbs, historical fiction, realistic fiction, fantasy, poetry and drama.
6 Units and 36 weeks of lessons, with tips on how to understand an author’s purpose for writing, identifying themes, main ideas, making observations, predicting outcomes, and identifying character traits.
Discover how: to compare and contrast topics, to summarize and paraphrase passages, to provide evidence from a story, to use Venn Diagram, to identify story genres and more!
ELA: Grammar, Vocabulary, and Writing: This comprehensive 4th grade grammar vocabulary, and writing curriculum, combines the study of word usage and sentence structure to develop and hone individual writing skills through a Biblical worldview, including the study of: Parts of speech, synonyms and antonyms, definitions, Greek affixes, abbreviations, punctuation, capitalization.
6 Units and 36 weeks of lessons, with graphic organizers and multiple writing prompts.
Discover how: to use encyclopedias, audio recordings and visual displays, to write in cursive, to develop typing and keyboarding skills, to make use of the writing process, to practice public speaking skills and more!
Bible Book 1: Bible Book 1 is designed for the 9-10-year-old and all material is presented in an easy-to-follow format. Each lesson has an opening prayer, the Bible memory verse, the Bible lesson, Missionaries in Action, Faith in Action, Questions to answer from the lesson, and a closing prayer. An emphasis is made on the Proverbs of Solomon.
Includes: Wise Proverbs of King Solomon, Bible Proverbs Chapters 1-14, The Life of Missionaries Like (William Carey, Watchman Nee, and David Livingstone), & Your Faith in Action
Bible Book 2: Bible Book 2 is designed for the 9-10-year-old and all material is presented in an easy-to-follow format. Each lesson has an opening prayer, the Bible memory verse, the Bible lesson, Missionaries in Action, Faith in Action, Questions to answer from the lesson, and a closing prayer. An emphasis is made on the Proverbs of Solomon.
Includes: Wise Proverbs of King Solomon, Bible Proverbs Chapters 15-31, The Life of Missionaries Like (John and Charles Wesley and George Muller) & Your Faith in Action
Science Book 1: This comprehensive 4th grade science curriculum, with included hands-on activities and experiments, provides a study of the universe through a Biblical worldview, including: matter, force, the atmosphere, energy, the solar system, weather, temperature, and astronomy
Science Book 2: This comprehensive 4th grade science curriculum, with included hands-on activities and experiments, provides a study of planet Earth through a Biblical worldview, including: Geology, layers of the earth, rock cycle, bodies of water, ocean exploration, the five kingdoms of living things, Linneaus' classification, life cycles, food chains, animals, and plants
Students will learn how God created the earth and everything in it according to His perfect design and plan. As Colossians 1:17 (NLT) explains, "He existed before anything else, and he holds all creation together."
Bonus features in this Book 2!
54 hands-on activities to further explain each daily lesson and 18 additional science experiments to reinforce the steps of the Scientific Method and provide an experiential learning opportunity at the end of each week of lessons
Discover how: a pinecone protects its seeds, a bird's hollow legs can hold its weight, tectonic plates move, an insect sees through its compound eyes, ocean water can move even in freezing temperatures, an underwater volcano erupts, and more!
Aviation Science: Aviation Science expands on the concepts learned in third-grade Introduction to Aviation and builds off the Warrior Notes Aviation Flight Manual. Concepts that were introduced in these beginner lessons have been expanded to include intermediate level material for your future pilot. Lessons include: Aircraft Forces, Aircraft Velocity and Relative Velocity, Takeoff Procedures, Landing Procedures, Preflight Briefings and Checklists, Shutdown Briefings and Checklists, and Warrior Stealth.
Warrior Notes Homeschool believes this curriculum will be an educational and prophetic tool to help launch many young people into their destinies as future pilots. By God's grace, the Aviation industry will be a pillar for God's kingdom on Earth.
History Book 1: History curriculum gives an overview of how the United States became a nation and how the nation’s government works. It explores the Northeast, Southeast and South-Central states through a Biblical worldview, including the study of: Historical conflicts and major events, Native Americans and first European settlers, state geography, industry, and natural resources.
Students will learn that God gave us the responsibility to bring His life and truth to all the nations and people. Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
Bonus Features in this book!
Historical landmarks to visit or explore through a virtual field trip, influential Americans, state symbols, songs, favorite foods, and past times from each state.
Discover how: to read maps, to understand geographical terms, to identify natural resources, to learn the states and their capitals and more!
History Book 2: History curriculum gives an overview of how the United States became a nation and how the nation’s government works. This book explores the North-Central, Northwest and Southwest, as well as the two extreme weather states, Hawaii, and Alaska, through a Biblical worldview, including the study of: Historical conflicts and major events, Native Americans and first European settlers, state geography, industry, and natural resources.
Students will learn that God gave us the responsibility to bring His life and truth to all the nations and people. “Then God blessed them, and God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.’” Genesis 1:28
Bonus Features in this book!
Historical landmarks to visit or explore through a virtual field trip, influential Americans, state symbols, songs, favorite foods, and pastimes from each state. Individual state project template.
Discover how: to read maps, to understand geographical terms, to identify natural resources, to research facts about your own state and more!
Art: Art is designed for the 9–10-year-old and all material is presented in an easy-to-follow format. Fourth-grade Art is a 36-week lesson plan. The focus is on art periods, movements, and the use of the elements of art and principle of design.
Includes: Introduction of Art Periods and Movements, Study of artworks in each Art Period and Movement, Art mediums in each Art Period and Movement, Art timeline and Mini Art Challenges
We are excited to partner with you as you homeschool your children!
Please visit our website for more information: www.kevinzadai.org